When a Cesarean becomes necessary, many people may wonder what they can do to recover quickly- especially if there happens to be a toddler running around, too!
First- I think the best advice to give to any new mom, but especially to moms recovering from a surgical birth is to line up as much help as possible
beforehand (a Postpartum Plan). Ask a family member or friend to set up a food tree for the first few weeks. http://www.takethemameal.com/ or http://www.carecalendar.org/ makes this process super easy. Maybe you can look into hiring a mother’s helper or postpartum doula for a few days a week. They could provide childcare for your older sibling or do some light cleaning, meal preparation, errands, to clean/ hold baby while you eat, dress, etc/ take care of your preschooler/ and provide company to you (an unexpected benefit), etc. This isn’t as expensive as it sounds.
Next, if this is a scheduled surgery, have a talk with your care provider about a ‘natural Cesarean’ or Family Centered Cesarean (FCC). Here is a great video that can explain a bit more about that process and why it is beneficial to both Mama and Baby.
Using a postpartum herbal tea is helpful for everyone (you can begin drinking Red Rasberry Leaf tea. RRL tea is really good for improving uterine tone and overall health) and calendula salve is great for scar healing. Earth Mama, Angel Baby makes both and is available at several stores or you could make your own if you’re so inclined.
Arnica gel and cream is another good topical healing aid. You can even massage it into any bruising that could result from the Cesarean. You just want to be sure that the external incision has fully closed before you apply any type of topical cream or gel. You can use Arnica (at least 30C preferably 200C – which you have to order) to help with internal bruising as well as the external. You should start taking that immediately and stay with it for at least 4 days after surgery taking it as a water dose. You could mix it up in a large tincture bottle – 1 pillule in 6oz of water then one dropper full 3 times a day. Then, once the external wound is no longer open and has formed a coating you can begin to use Arnica salve on it. Again, you should never
put Arnica on an open wound. Another one to try is Staphysagria at 30C to help with healing any infections that might occur.
It also really helps to be as rested and as well nourished as possible both beforehand and afterward. Remember, you have just had surgery! Taking it easy, keeping yourself well nourished and hydrated during the first few weeks, and letting others take care of the rest (housework, social engagements, errands, etc.) can help keep pain at a minimum.
Some women use a recliner to sleep in. Claiming it
made a huge difference in recovery not having to rely on those muscles to get out of bed in the morning.
In particular, in dealing with a big brother or sister in the home- LET GO OF THE GUILT! The TV babysitter and fast food dinners will not last forever 🙂 It is a temporary solution for sure. To minimize the TV, think of a list of activities for your toddler. Post this list on the fridge and then make it a ritual every day to pick one activity and do it. Have your child do this while the baby is napping and then lay down yourself for a little while! Children love ‘washing dishes’ in the bathroom sink, playing with a bowl of water and some funnels, transfering rice or split peas from cup to cup, playdoh, coloring, etc… you could check out Montersorri
websites for some more ideas.
Get help if you need it. Not just meals and housecleaning, but mental help. Before it gets to the point where you cannot find any joy in life – not in your hilarious toddler or your beautiful newborn. Talk to your care provider and get the help you need. It’s so crazy how we women do not tend to talk
about this. Once you open up about your experiences, you’ll likely find you have a lot of friends come out of the woodwork to talk about their depression, too. No sense in thinking you are the only ones struggling with it.
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine and healing, offers amazing wisdom for healing from birth. They see birth as an opportunity to reset the body’s entire physical, mental and spiritual realms. The addage “40 days for 40
years” refers to the first 40 days postpartum when a woman really needs to focus on healing & nurturing herself and baby. If she recognizes and attends to this, the benefits for the Mama (and the whole family) will be reaped for the
next 40 years. Women who have had Cesareans are particularly vulnerable, and in some trainings it is taught that women having a normal birth should follow an Ayurvedic regimen for 6wks, but women with cesareans (or difficult births) should follow it for 8wks.
The Ayurvedic postpartum regimen includes daily warm, oily massage for baby and mom (can be self massage,) emphasizing warm, sweet, oily foods (certain foods are introduced at certain times, & certain foods are avoided- bringing the agni or “fire” back into your digestive system is a slow & fragile
process postpartum. There are also a few Ayurvedic herbs that are taken daily. You can really be as simple or as thorough as you want.
****Disclaimer: The information presented within this site is presented for educational and entertainment purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed throughout this site are not necessarily those of Adventures In Childbirth, LLC and should not be considered fact or medical advice. ALWAYS consult your health care provider if you have any questions regarding your health/well-being and that of your family.