Adventures in Childbirth Doula Services and Classes
Services for growing families like yours
Jess and Aaron birth Alexandria Ruth using only 3 classes from Hypnobabies!
About the author:
Hi, I’m Nicole DiBella, your Lawrenceville Doula. I bring to you knowledge, support, and resources as you experience this new adventure in life. I want you to believe in you as much as I do!
An Atlanta hospital vaginal birth using Hypnobabies! Read on…
Jess and Aaron claimed to not be ‘planners’, so they enrolled in the class that pushed them right up to their 40 week guess date. When our group met for Class 4 and Jess and Aaron weren’t there, I sent a text to check in and we learned that their little girl had been born the previous Friday! Soon after, I followed up, and this is what Jess had to say:
Hypnobaby Alexandria
Our birth story starts with our 37 week check-up on 11/2/11. Things were not looking good for our baby, and after talking with the doctor, we agreed to be checked into the hospital to be induced. They inserted a medication to help soften my cervix overnight and on 11/3/11 at 7 AM they started the pitocin drip. I was on pitocin (and clear fluids) all day, but did not open more than 2 cm. They also had me on those external monitors which never worked well because I would move and the speaker would no longer pick-up the baby’s heartbeat.
At 4:30 PM my midwife and her intern called it a day. They stopped the pitocin and the monitors, and said I could have dinner. (YEAH!) And we would start the process over again tomorrow. (Boo.) It was just after that that my water broke. I was one bite into a snack bar when I was suddenly over come with nausea and vomited. My labor was going all on its own! Aaron was very supportive and helped me with the relax cue. The touch to the forehead worked my better than the shoulder for me.
They let me walk the halls and I had 5 birthwaves wash over me in the 15 minutes it took to make a loop around the ward.
I would feel them come, and I would go limp against Aaron. He would hold me and support me through the wave, then I would let him know it was washing away and we would continue our walk. In our room we played the birthing day affirmations track on a loop. It was very calming.
My midwife made it back to the hospital closer to 11 PM and wanted to do an internal check. I asked if we could wait until I felt “pushy” to check. When she came back at around 1:30 AM she said I was at a +2 and it was time to push. I don’t know what plus two meant, but I was surprised it was time to push. I used my bubble of peace on her counting and coaching me to “poop out” the baby. Instead breathed her out with my pressure waves and used the muscles that felt right to use.
Our baby was born on my 6th push. A vaginal birth! Aaron announced it was a girl, and cut the cord. I had no tearing other than 3 small skid-marks which were one stitch each. I felt great and our little girl had a very peaceful entry into the world.
We had a such a beautiful birthing and it was so positive.
Hypno-Mama Jess and Alexandria
While on the pitocin I worried about a c-section and complications… I was also worried that I wasn’t prepared enough to give birth only half way through the class, but the tools we had practiced worked well. Thank you!!!
Hypno-Daddy Aaron and Alexandria
Alexandria Ruth Scott was born at 2:13 AM on Friday, Nov. 4th. She was 18 inches long and 4 pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Since she was so little, Aaron had to go buy another car seat we could take her home!
Pregnancy affirmations are a powerful way to prepare for the birth you desire. Say these to yourself, out loud, looking into a mirror for greater effect. Enjoy your pregnancy!
Pregnancy Affirmations For You
More Inspiration
"Hypnobabies worked for me. I had a beautiful, comfortable birth with no complications. Managed 28 hrs like a champ."
- First time Hypnobabies Mom, Olivia G. in Acworth, GA
"I had a great experience with my first birth! I arrived at the hospital past transformation and managed everything quite well. I was very proud to be able to show some family video of me being calm and relaxed throughout the different stages."
- First time Hypnobabies Mom, Heather S. in Atlanta, GA
"We had a wonderful birthing experience...we arrived at the hospital 10cm dilated + he was born 18 mins later. It was such a pleasure meeting my classmates + sharing the Hypnobabies experience."
- First Time Hypnobabies Mom, Crystal S. in Atlanta, GA
"Hypnobabies was awesome it really helped me through my birthing experience. I'm grateful I had the resource and knowledge from Hypnobabies, my birth partner, and my Doula."
- First Time Hypnobabies Mom, Amika K. in Atlanta, GA